How to access to MongoDB using PONGO

When to use ?

This guideline present How to the Scava Platform can access to his data stored in a MongoDb data base. The guideline describe how to create a connection to the MongoDb database and how to perform CRUD operation on platform datas.


The Scava platform use a MongoDb data base to store his data. We go through PONGO, a template based Java POJO generator to access MongoDB database. With Pongo we can define the data model which generates strongly-typed Java classes.

In this guideligne, we will present : * The access to MongoDb Document on from aneclipse plugin integrate to the Scava platform. * The access to MongoDb Document on from an external Java application. * How to preform basic CRUD operation with a PONGO Java data model.

We consider that the PONGO Java data model already exist. If it's not the case, please refer the following guideline to create the data model : Extend MongoDB Data Model.

You want to access to MongoDB Document from an Eclipse Plugin ?

1. Add a dependency to the Java Data Model

Pongo dependency addition

2. Initiate a Connection to the MongoDb

In context of the Scava platform, a Configuration service allow you to initiate a connection whit the mongoDb data base.

Mongo mongo = Configuration.getInstance().getMongoConnection(); 

You want to access to MongoDB Document on from an External Java Application ?

1. Add a dependency to the Java Data Model


2. Initiate a Connection to MongoDb

// Define ServerAddress of the MongoDb database
List<ServerAddress> mongoHostAddresses = new ArrayList<>();
mongoHostAddresses.add(new ServerAddress(s[0], Integer.valueOf(s[1])));

// Create Connection
Mongo mongo = new Mongo(mongoHostAddresses);

Once the connection to MongoDb has been created, you have to make the link between the PONGO Java model and the database. On a MongoDb Server, data are organize by database. You need to know the name of the database to link the Java model with the MongoDb document.

DB db =  mongo.getDB("databasename");

// Initiate the Project Java model
ProjectRepository = new ProjectRepository(db);

Basic CRUD with a PONGO Java data model


// Connect the Data model to the database
DB db =  mongo.getDB("databasename");
MetricProvider metricprovider = new MetricProvider(db);

// Used accessors to intialise the object

// Create the Document


// Connect the Data model to the database
DB db =  mongo.getDB("databasename");
MetricProvider metricprovider = new MetricProvider(db);

// Used accessors to access object properties


// Connect the Data model to the database
DB db =  mongo.getDB("databasename");
MetricProvider metricprovider = new MetricProvider(db);

// Used accessors to intialise the object

// Create the Document


Mongo mongo = new Mongo(); mongo.dropDatabase("databasename");