Platform Installation using DOCKER images

This page is about how to deploy a SCAVA instance on the behalf of Docker.

At the actual stage of the project, there two ways to get started with the docker images:

  1. Ready-to-use images are stored on the Crossminer Docker-hub account.
  2. (Recommended) Build them from the scava-deployment repository. They have to be built from various Dockerfile's and with help of a docker-compose file.

Summary of containers

The whole Docker stack consists of 11 services:

Docker service name Full Name Default port Comments
admin-webapp Administration UI 5601 Built from /web-admin
oss-app Metric Plateform 8182 Built from /metric-platform
oss-db MongoDB (metrics storage) 27017 Built from /metric-platform to start with a pre-loaded database (few projects analysed) or use a clean MongoDB image for a clean installation (image: mongo:3.4). Can be used to connect a MongoDB visualisation tool
kb Knowledge base 8080 Built from /KB
kb-db Knowledge base DB (based on MongoDB) 27018 Built from /KB-db. Can be used to connect a MongoDB visualisation tool
api-gw API Gateway 8086 Built from /api-gw
auth Authentication 8085 Built from /auth
elasticsearch ElasticSearch 9200 Pulled from docker hub acsdocker/elasticsearch:6.3.1-secured. Can be used to connect an ElasticSearch visualisation tool
kibiter Kibiter (Bitergia’s customized Kibana) 80 Pulled from docker hub acsdocker/grimoirelab-kibiter:crossminer-6.3.1
dashb-importer Dashboard importer (to kibiter) No port exposed on the host
prosoul Prosoul Quality Model Viewer 8000 Pulled from docker hub bitergia/prosoul


In order to run Scava, you need to:

  1. Edit the hosts of your machine, creating a new record for the IP address: with hostname: admin-webapp
  2. Edit the docker-compose-build.yml file and change:
    1. The environment variable API-GATEWAY_VAR, replacing localhostby the IP address of your host on service admin-webapp
    2. Make sure that the ports defined in the file are not already used on the host, and adjust the various ports as required for your setup. Note that the Kibiter dashboard is on port 80 by default.
    3. Update the ALLOWED_HOSTdirective to include the host name on service prosoul. This is used by Django on the prosoul image to publish the quality model used by Crossminer.

Building the Docker images

The deployment setup is hosted in the scava-deployment repository. One needs to clone the repository locally in order to build and run the docker images.

To build all the required Docker images, simply go to the root of the cloned repository and issue the following command. This will rebuild all images, dismissing any cached layers.

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-build.yml build --no-cache

This will build required images using the latest version of the binaries on the CI server and pull images hosted on docker hub.

Setup Configurations

Some optional configurations can be made to customize the dockerized SCAVA instance. These configuration are applied to the docker-compose description files docker-compose-build.yml or docker-compose-dockerhub.yml and are applied every time that the instance runs.

Data persistence

Volumes can be created to persist the data of the databases between execution of the Scava platform. To enable the creation of volumes uncomemnt the corresponding lines on the oss-db and kb-db services:

    volumes: #creates volume on container
        - ~/oss-data:/data/db
    volumes: #creates volume on container
        - ~/kb-data:/data/kb-db

Multiple Workers Configuration

One instance of the metric-platform is only able to run one worker. Therefore, a setup where it is required to have more than one worker requires the deployment of multiple instances of metric platform.

The main instance of the metric platform runs under the service oss-app. This is the service started by default with the master and apiServer flags, and launchs the worker w1.

To enable a second worker, the docker-compose-build.yml (or docker-compose-dockerhub.yml) file must be edited and uncomented the service oss-slave. This service will launch a new instance of the metric platform that will only run one worker (with default name w2). This slave instance do not have the flags master or apiServer.

New slaves can be added (e.g. oss-slave01,oss-slave02,oss-slave03, etc.) by copy-paste of the oss-slave service and changing the name of service and name of the worker.

Running the locally built docker images

To run the locally built images, run the following command. Note that if the images are not available they will be rebuilt.

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-build.yml up

Access the administration web app by using the following address in the web browser: http://admin-webapp/ For login use user: admin pass: admin

Running the pre-built docker images

Please note that the docker hub images are not yet ready! We're working on it! :-)

The easiest way to run the full Scava setup is to use the docker images stored on Docker Hub. Use the docker-compose-dockerhub.yml file to download all required images and start the stack:

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-dockerhub.yml up

Access the administration web app by using the following address in the web browser: http://admin-webapp/

For login use user: admin pass: admin

Post-install tasks

Configuring the GitHub token

In order to use the GitHub connectors, one needs to setup an authentication mechanism. Simply create a authentication token in yourGitHub account, and create a new property in the webadmin UI:

Kibana dashboard

The first time Kibana is started, it will ask for a default index pattern. To select one, log into the dashboard (admin/admin), go to the dashboard menu item and select metrics-scava. Then click on the star on the top right.

Continuous integration

We use Codefresh for the CI of our docker images. The latest demo instance of generated docker images can be found in the #ci channel in Slack.